Do you need a language certificate and want to prepare for a Telc or Goethe exam? In our customised preparation workshops, you will familiarise yourself with all parts of the exam and practise intensively to achieve the best possible result.
Our qualified workshop leaders will be happy to advise you and give you helpful tips. Together you will practise important expressions and phrases that will help you pass the exam successfully. Real exam situations are simulated in reading and listening exercises and time management is practised. The use of authentic practice material and various model tests will prepare you excellently for the exam.
1 Week
Monday - Friday
08:30 - 10:00 or 18:00 - 19:30
4-12 participants
Weisse Gasse 6, 4001 Basel
CHF 200
Material cost
Viktor Wolf
Administration and Assistant to Management
Do you have a question? Send us a message and let us know some information so that we can give you the best possible advice.